Saturday, November 10, 2007

Day 3. Kalamazoo, MI - Bell's Brewery

We made it to Kalamazoo relatively on time. The show last night was good, the Ragbirds were a lot of fun. We drank some beer, but didn't stay up too late, and got to K-zoo around 3:30. I just finished enjoying a Bell's Amber Ale, their flagship beer. They have so many good beers here, it's overwhelming. Observe:
I didn't know where to start, so I started with the basics. This is a list of all the beers currently on tap. This is Heaven. I know you can't really read this, but you get the idea.
Here's the bus outside the brewery. Mmmm... beer.
Enjoying a beer. Where's Keg??
Sweet fishtank.
The stage where we are about to set out stuff up. View from the balcony.
Once again, these are mirror images. I haven't messed around with inverting the image, but I bet it's not too hard, huh? Anyways, hold your computer up to a mirror, and you'll see that this sign has our band name on it. Kick Ass.
This way.
Sweet artwork on the outside of the building.

Anyways... I'll probably try to post another one tonight.

1 comment:

Juliana said...

What are you taking the pics with? I like it a lot, a lot, a lot!